GMI - Deriving China's Provinces and Prefectures from County Polygons

Project Date: March 2011

  1. Update GMI map of China with current Prefecture and Province Boundaries by dissolving county polygons into prefectures and then dissolving the prefecture polygons into provinces. 
Data Source:
  • GMI - Chinese 3rd Level Administrative border shapefile
Software and Tools used:

Wikipedia and Statoids
  • Ensure the accuracy of the 3rd level administrative border shapefile attributes (e.g. county name, county capitol, prefecture name, prefecture capitol, province name, province capitol, etc) by double checking Statoids and Wikipedia
ArcGIS 10.0
  • Dissolve Tool - Dissolved county polygons into prefecture polygons based on prefecture ID attribute in the county polygon shapefile. Dissolved prefecture polygons into province polygons bassed on province ID attribute in the prefecture polygon shapefile. 
  • Edit Toolbar - Used Edit sesssions to correct topology errors in dissolved polygons and to correct attribute information when neccessary